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David's blogs on Education

The 2024 General Election (4)
14 July 2024
The 2024 General Election
1 June 2024
Primary School Education
23 May 2024
Private Education (2)
19 August 2023
Private Education
21 May 2022
29 January 2022
Update on Oxford University
14 August 2021
Oxford University Academics Honoured
19 June 2021
The English Speaking Union
27 March 2021
The Swiss Cheese of English Education
10 October 2020
Youth Makes Music
21 March 2020
Eric James, Baron James of Rusholme
5 August 2017
League Tables
11 March 2017
Manchester Grammar School at 500
25 July 2015
Education, Education, Education
17 January 2015
A Mathematics Problem
29 November 2014
The Parallel Olympics
15 September 2012
Honorary Fellowship
28 July 2012
Social Mobility in Education
25 February 2012
Going Global World Education- The New Powerhouse?
6 August 2011
Branding in Higher Education
13 March 2011

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