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David's blogs on Marketing

The Visual Revolution part two
17 August 2024
The Visual Revolution part one
10 August 2024
Brand Management
25 November 2023
Restrictions on Advertising and Promotion of Junk Foods
17 July 2021
9 January 2021
The Future of Marketing
28 November 2020
Customer obsession
26 September 2020
An Open Letter to the New Director-General of the BBC
5 September 2020
What is a Brand?
14 March 2020
In Memoriam Professor Martyn Davis
25 January 2020
Printer Ink
11 January 2020
The 12 Powers of a Marketing Leader (2)
18 October 2019
The 12 Powers of a Marketing Leader (1)
12 October 2019
Commercial Television
17 August 2019
Optimism Offers Opportunities
25 May 2019
Speech to the Distillers’ Company
13 April 2019
2 February 2019
This Year’s Reading List (2)
5 January 2019
The Decline of Customer Service
20 October 2018
Do Good
2 June 2018
Neuroscience in Marketing
27 May 2017
Bad News, Good News, Fake News, Slow News
25 March 2017
Is Advertising at a crossroads?
18 March 2017
Brand Architecture: the foundation of shareholder value
2 March 2017
Rounding off the year
17 December 2016
What Good is Marketing?
5 November 2016
The Museum of Brands, Packaging & Advertising (2)
20 October 2016
Conference at New College, Oxford
5 September 2016
Mansion House
30 July 2016
Customer-oriented culture vs. the right marketing strategy?
16 July 2016
Is Marketing for Good the Future of Marketing?
2 July 2016
Annual City Lecture - Agents of Change
21 May 2016
In Memoriam David Collischon
14 May 2016
Reflections on the role of Marketing in an uncertain world
23 April 2016
Are Social Media a passing phase?
27 February 2016
Technology and Trust
6 February 2016
Marketing for Good is Good Marketing
23 January 2016
Managing Your Reputation
16 January 2016
Go Beyond
12 December 2015
5 December 2015
7 November 2015
5 September 2015
1 August 2015
The Silver Line
10 July 2015
Mergers and Acquisitions
4 July 2015
Political Marketing
20 June 2015
6 June 2015
16 May 2015
Is Profit a Dirty Word?
1 May 2015
Planning and Forecasting
4 April 2015
Brand Valuation
28 March 2015
7 March 2015
Product Quality
6 February 2015
Data Protection
31 January 2015
Building Valuable Brands
24 January 2015
Defining the Market
6 December 2014
It’s Good News Week
1 November 2014
The Price of Eggs
4 October 2014
6 September 2014
2 August 2014
Social Media Onslaught
19 July 2014
Marketing in the Boardroom
12 July 2014
An Open Letter to All CEOs
5 July 2014
In Memoriam David Abbott
7 June 2014
1 June 2014
Show me the ROI
17 May 2014
Bad Publicity
3 May 2014
The Persuasion of Colleagues.
5 April 2014
How Advertising Works.
8 March 2014
Does advertising work?
1 February 2014
The Ten Types of Marketer
11 January 2014
The 20 Ps of Marketing
7 December 2013
Loyalty Beyond Reason
30 November 2013
5 October 2013
Duchy Originals
14 September 2013
The Guildhall Library
15 June 2013
The Art of Perception
1 June 2013
Channel Management
20 April 2013
The London Metal Exchange
6 April 2013
Great Brands Make Britain Great
26 January 2013
Achieving Profitable Growth in Today’s Conditions
8 December 2012
Unifying the Customer Experience
5 May 2012
Marketing: The Business Driver
28 January 2012
More (M)Ad Men
3 December 2011
Is Social Media a Fad?
24 September 2011
The Ad Man
25 June 2011
CIM 100th anniversary
21 May 2011
Branding in Higher Education
13 March 2011
One Day
19 February 2011
Innovation in Marketing
29 January 2011
Disturbing the Serenity
10 July 2010
It Was Old Media Wot Won It
29 May 2010
The Museum of Brands, Packaging and Advertising
15 May 2010
A Call for a Revolution in Marketing
17 April 2010
Toyota and Tiger Woods
27 February 2010
The Importance of Branding
17 October 2009
Today's Marketer, Tomorrow's Growth Leader
27 June 2009

© David C Pearson 2024 (All rights reserved)