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David's blogs on Politics & Economics

The 2024 General Election (2)
8 June 2024
The 2024 General Election
1 June 2024
In Memoriam Sebastián Piñera.
3 March 2024
Democracy Under Assault
27 January 2024
Postscript (6)
21 December 2023
Why the USA is Polarised
21 October 2023
7 October 2023
The Cost-of-Living Crisis
23 September 2023
Social Media and Advertising
26 August 2023
Private Education (2)
19 August 2023
The Coronation
13 May 2023
This Year’s Reading List (6)
7 January 2023
Postscript (5)
17 December 2022
The Maxi-Budget
11 October 2022
Strange Times
17 September 2022
Digital Banking for Analogue Customers
6 August 2022
The Conservative Party in Crisis (2)
30 July 2022
The Conservative Party in Crisis
23 July 2022
The Health of the National Health Service (4)
2 July 2022
The Antithesis of Leadership
11 June 2022
Private Education
21 May 2022
The Price of Eggs
14 May 2022
Chilean Government wins 2022 Franz Edelman Award
16 April 2022
The Impossible Office?
5 February 2022
Challenges Facing Chile’s New Government
22 January 2022
This Year’s Reading List (5)
15 January 2022
Postscript (4)
18 December 2021
Innumeracy 2
12 December 2021
4 September 2021
The Non-Olympics (2)
7 August 2021
The Non-Olympics
31 July 2021
Impact of Food on the Climate
3 July 2021
Bad Buying
29 May 2021
The Ratepayers’ Association
22 May 2021
Charles de Gaulle
15 May 2021
The Uncivil Service
1 May 2021
17 April 2021
An Open Letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer (2)
20 March 2021
20 February 2021
Global Risks
13 February 2021
The Number Bias (2)
6 February 2021
The Number Bias
30 January 2021
UK and Global Economic Update
16 January 2021
The Factory
5 December 2020
The Green Industrial Revolution
21 November 2020
Bonfire Night
7 November 2020
Chilean Mining Conference
31 October 2020
Capitalism in Crisis
17 October 2020
National Data Strategy
19 September 2020
An Open Letter to the Prime Minister
29 August 2020
22 August 2020
The Spanish Main
1 August 2020
The New Robber Barons
18 July 2020
The Health of the National Health Service (3
11 July 2020
Scotland the Brave? (2)
4 July 2020
Global Trends Affecting Venezuela
6 June 2020
Who or what is essential?
23 May 2020
Metabolic Syndrome
25 April 2020
Intensive Care
11 April 2020
Wash Your Hands
5 March 2020
Global Soft Power
29 February 2020
Coping with Uncertain Times
18 January 2020
This Year’s Reading List (3)
4 January 2020
Postscript (3)
14 December 2019
Groundhog Day
7 December 2019
The Brexit Factor
30 November 2019
Democracy in Danger
23 November 2019
14 September 2019
The Cashless Society
10 August 2019
An Open Letter to the New Prime Minister
27 July 2019
The Fifth Risk
5 July 2019
Enchantment of Eastern Europe
29 June 2019
In Memoriam Sir Winston Churchill (2)
22 June 2019
Alan Johnson
1 June 2019
How Democracies Die
11 May 2019
The Spring Statement
16 March 2019
The Moral Maze
9 March 2019
Tragedy and Challenge
26 January 2019
Uncharted Waters
19 January 2019
The Death of the High Street
12 January 2019
This Year’s Reading List (2)
5 January 2019
Postscript (2)
16 December 2018
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
8 December 2018
Deal or No Deal
17 November 2018
3 November 2018
The Decline of Customer Service
20 October 2018
Industrial Strategy
22 September 2018
Ten Years On (2)
15 September 2018
Say No to Fast-Tracked Fracking
2 September 2018
Smoked Salmon
28 July 2018
Personal Taxation
14 July 2018
7 July 2018
30 June 2018
In Memoriam Robert F. Kennedy
9 June 2018
The Customs Union
26 May 2018
Towards a Green Economy
12 May 2018
An Open Letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer
31 March 2018
Small States
24 February 2018
The Health of the National Health Service (2)
2 February 2018
Carillion squillions
20 January 2018
Productivity (2)
13 January 2018
16 December 2017
No Ordinary Woman
11 November 2017
A Mathematics problem (2)
6 October 2017
Brexit or Brenaissance?
9 September 2017
Ten years on
12 August 2017
Eric James, Baron James of Rusholme
5 August 2017
Chilean Update: in the balance
22 July 2017
Hong Kong
1 July 2017
It’s the economy, stupid (2)
17 June 2017
The 2017 General Election
3 June 2017
Remembering Srebrenica
6 May 2017
29 April 2017
Wilful Blindness
8 April 2017
Bad News, Good News, Fake News, Slow News
25 March 2017
League Tables
11 March 2017
Cry the Beloved Country
25 February 2017
The Freedom of the Press
4 February 2017
The Sharing Economy
28 November 2015
Managing Money
29 August 2015
The Barnett Formula
18 July 2015
Political Marketing
20 June 2015
6 June 2015
The Implications of the General Election for Business
23 May 2015
The Perils of the Internet
9 May 2015
Political Leadership
25 April 2015
Time for a Football Club Ownership and Governance Act
11 April 2015
It’s the economy, stupid
21 March 2015
The Question of Europe
21 February 2015
Education, Education, Education
17 January 2015
13 December 2014
The Health of the National Health Service
15 November 2014
Lord Stockton
13 September 2014
Scotland the Brave?
8 August 2014
Inside the Banking Crisis
24 May 2014
In or Out?
22 March 2014
My Favourite Economist
15 March 2014
Future Cities (2)
16 November 2013
Future Cities
9 November 2013
Does anyone know what is going on?
2 November 2013
Paranoid Optimism
26 October 2013
Entrepreneurship (2)
19 October 2013
The Bravest Woman in Britain
21 September 2013
The Bank of England
29 June 2013
The Speaker
25 May 2013
Rebalancing the Economy (2)
7 May 2013
In Memoriam: Margaret Thatcher
13 April 2013
The Inequality Crisis
9 March 2013
Inside the Treasury
29 September 2012
The Power to Act
22 September 2012
The Decline and Fall of the Newspaper
25 August 2012
The House of Lords
7 July 2012
Banks and Business- A Changing Landscape
9 June 2012
Rebalancing the Economy
26 May 2012
The Failing War on Drugs
19 May 2012
The European Project
12 May 2012
The Demographic Time Bomb
21 April 2012
Modernising National Infrastructure
14 April 2012
The New Normal
24 March 2012
The Renaissance Man
29 October 2011
Baffling Pigs
1 October 2011
Where Will the Growth Come From?
17 September 2011
Forty Years On
3 September 2011
Another Leading Lady on the Economic Recovery?
19 June 2011
Two More Leading Ladies on the Age of Austerity.
14 May 2011
The Complexity of the Modern World
2 April 2011
Two Leading Ladies
27 November 2010
Death and Taxes
16 October 2010
It Was Old Media Wot Won It
29 May 2010
Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells
22 May 2010
Democracy in Chile
23 January 2010
Those Elusive Green Shoots.
22 November 2009
Glass Houses
15 August 2009

© David C Pearson 2024 (All rights reserved)