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David's blogs on Business

Brand Management
25 November 2023
The Lord Mayor’s Show 2023
18 November 2023
7 October 2023
Social Media and Advertising
26 August 2023
International Maritime Organization
17 June 2023
Sustainable Wine
15 April 2023
How to Make Better Decisions
11 February 2023
The Five Principles
15 October 2022
Digital Banking for Analogue Customers
6 August 2022
60 Years of Watching Manchester United
27 November 2021
Working From Home
24 July 2021
Restrictions on Advertising and Promotion of Junk Foods
17 July 2021
Bad Buying
29 May 2021
The Hacking of the Western Mind
8 May 2021
The Uncivil Service
1 May 2021
The European Super League
24 April 2021
17 April 2021
An Open Letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer (2)
20 March 2021
The Future of the Latin American Football Business
6 March 2021
9 January 2021
The Factory
5 December 2020
The Future of Marketing
28 November 2020
Bonfire Night
7 November 2020
Capitalism in Crisis
17 October 2020
An Open Letter to the New Director-General of the BBC
5 September 2020
The Spanish Main
1 August 2020
The Impact of COVID-19 on Global Sports Business
25 July 2020
The New Robber Barons
18 July 2020
What will happen?
28 March 2020
Printer Ink
11 January 2020
21 September 2019
14 September 2019
Commercial Television
17 August 2019
The Cashless Society
10 August 2019
Optimism Offers Opportunities
25 May 2019
Speech to the Distillers’ Company
13 April 2019
Advice for Aspiring NEDs
6 April 2019
Tragedy and Challenge
26 January 2019
The Death of the High Street
12 January 2019
In Memoriam Richard Sermon MBE
24 November 2018
Deal or No Deal
17 November 2018
Industrial Strategy
22 September 2018
Port wine
18 August 2018
Smoked Salmon
28 July 2018
7 July 2018
23 June 2018
Do Good
2 June 2018
Carillion squillions (2)
21 April 2018
Carillion squillions
20 January 2018
Building A Better City for All
10 December 2017
Artificial Intelligence
27 October 2017
The City of London
21 October 2017
An Open Letter to the BBC
14 October 2017
The Age of the Electric Vehicle
22 September 2017
The Premier League
2 September 2017
In Memoriam Sir Paul Judge
29 July 2017
Steering through the Technological Jungle
15 July 2017
24 June 2017
Immersive Technology
22 April 2017
Wilful Blindness
8 April 2017
Mobile Mania
1 April 2017
Is Advertising at a crossroads?
18 March 2017
Brand Architecture: the foundation of shareholder value
2 March 2017
Yet Another Reading List
7 January 2017
Win! How to succeed in the new game of business
10 June 2016
Creating a Strategically Coherent Company
10 October 2015
The Unacceptable Face of Capitalism
26 September 2015
Managing Money
29 August 2015
1 August 2015
Mergers and Acquisitions
4 July 2015
The Implications of the General Election for Business
23 May 2015
The Perils of the Internet
9 May 2015
Is Profit a Dirty Word?
1 May 2015
Brand Valuation
28 March 2015
Product Quality
6 February 2015
Data Protection
31 January 2015
Building Valuable Brands
24 January 2015
City Philanthropy
20 December 2014
How to Prepare and Execute an IPO
24 October 2014
Corporate Purpose
18 October 2014
Samuel Ryder
27 September 2014
Emerging Markets
20 September 2014
Marketing in the Boardroom
12 July 2014
An Open Letter to All CEOs
5 July 2014
Generation Y
21 June 2014
Inside the Banking Crisis
24 May 2014
Investment Trusts
10 May 2014
Succession Planning
26 April 2014
Another Fine Mess.
22 February 2014
Entrepreneurship (2)
19 October 2013
12 October 2013
5 October 2013
18 May 2013
Risk Management
27 April 2013
The London Metal Exchange
6 April 2013
Simple Audio
23 February 2013
The “Mind of the Market”.
16 February 2013
Great Brands Make Britain Great
26 January 2013
Who owns the Customer?
10 November 2012
How ITS helped London deliver the 2012 Olympic Games
3 November 2012
The Olympic Legacy
20 October 2012
Winning overseas: boosting business export performance (2)
13 October 2012
Winning overseas: boosting business export performance
1 September 2012
The Decline and Fall of the Newspaper
25 August 2012
Management in 10 words
21 July 2012
Banks and Business- A Changing Landscape
9 June 2012
Unifying the Customer Experience
5 May 2012
Intelligent Mobility Summit
28 April 2012
Keep Taking the Tablets
31 March 2012
Computer Games
17 March 2012
Sony Make.Believe
10 March 2012
Bankers’ Bonuses
4 February 2012
Doing Well by Doing Good
10 December 2011
Accelerating Growth: Breaking and Entering New Markets
26 November 2011
Innovation in Business
22 October 2011
Investing in Chile: A Mining World Power
15 October 2011
Cashier Number Three, Please!
10 September 2011
Due Diligence
23 July 2011
Simplifying the Business Model
13 November 2010
The Green and the Gold
20 March 2010
Toyota and Tiger Woods
27 February 2010
The Age of the Electric Car
12 September 2009
Glass Houses
15 August 2009
Trade not Aid- The Business of Sustainable Business
10 August 2009

© David C Pearson 2024 (All rights reserved)