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Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV) Advisory Group. This advises the Government and Innovate UK on their £100m funding of a Research and Development Programme for CAV.

2016 – 2020
The Institute of Digital Engineering. This has been set up to work with the automotive, gaming, high-performance computing and big data sectors to solve the next big automotive challenges.

2012 - 2013: Simple Audio
Non Executive Director
Simple Audio Roomplayers are the first affordable sound systems to combine HD sound and Powerline Communications technology. Successfully sold to US based Corsair in February 2013.

Gerson Lehman Group2008 - 2018: Gerson Lehrman Group Council Member
GLG is the world's largest consulting platform.

2007- 2013: innovITS Ltd.
InnovITSinnovITS limited was centre of excellence funded by the British Government for the development of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). ITS have huge potential to reduce the environmental impact of road transport, increase productivity through reduced congestion and improve the safety and security of the road transport network.

Criticaleye2007 - 2017: Criticaleye

Board Mentor Criticaleye
'The Network of Leaders', provides senior executives with peer interaction across industry sectors, business functions and geographical locations. As a Mentor David delivers personalised value mentoring other board level members.

JP Morgan2003 - 2013
: JP Morgan Japanese Investment Trust plc
Non-Executive Director
The Trust, a FTSE 250 company, is the largest on the London Stock Exchange specialising in Japanese equities.

University of Bedfordshire2006 - 2012: University of Bedfordshire
Independent Governor
The University of Bedfordshire was formed in 2006 by the successful merger of the University of Luton and the Bedford campus of De Montfort University.


2008 - 2011: Technology Strategy Board (TSB)
Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (ITSS) Innovation Platform Steering Group Chairman
The TSB, now called Innovate UK, is backed by the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy  (BEIS) to connect and catalyse to ensure successful exploitationof new technology to the benefit of UK PLC. It has set up 5 Innovation Platforms to address particular challenges and David chaired the Steering Group drawn from Industry and Government to ensure effective delivery in the area of ITSS with £80m of public funding.

The Journal of Brand Management
1993- 2011: Journal of Brand Management Member Editorial Board


Chairman, Evaluation Panel
The Virtual Centre of Excellence in Mobile & Personal Communications and the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research council launched an Industry- Academic Strategic EPSRCResearch partnership in Advanced Digital Communications. David chaired the Evaluation Panel to recommend the most appropriate university research teams.


Vividas2007 - 2009: Vividas plc

Vividas plc was an AIM listed company on the London Stock Exchange now returned to the ownership of its founders in Australia. It develops and commercialises video streaming technology used in TV applications through the internet.

2006 - 2007: Qm Group Ltd
Interim Chief Executive Officer
Backed by private equity, Qm Group is famous for the 'cashier number three' system with 7,000 Queue Management installations in retail and retail finance outlets in the UK. David wrote the business plan, developed the vision and built up the sales team.

Duchy Originals1991 - 1996:
Duchy Originals
Founder member of Advisory Board
David advised on and oversaw successful launch of food product range sponsored by HRH Prince Of Wales with profits going to his charities.

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