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David's blogs on Technology

The Visual Revolution part two
17 August 2024
Optimism & Change: Sexuality, Climate & Engineering.
16 March 2024
Postscript (6)
21 December 2023
Social Media and Advertising
26 August 2023
Where Was the Good News?
14 January 2023
National Data Strategy
19 September 2020
In Memoriam Professor Sir David Mackay
4 April 2020
Postscript (3)
14 December 2019
28 September 2019
The Fifth Risk
5 July 2019
Climate Change – the Effect of Digital Technologies
3 May 2019
Speech to the Distillers’ Company
13 April 2019
First Man
23 February 2019
3 November 2018
Productivity (2)
13 January 2018
16 December 2017
Social Media in Crisis
4 November 2017
Artificial Intelligence
27 October 2017
The Age of the Electric Vehicle
22 September 2017
Steering through the Technological Jungle
15 July 2017
Neuroscience in Marketing
27 May 2017
13 May 2017
Immersive Technology
22 April 2017
Mobile Mania
1 April 2017
Is Advertising at a crossroads?
18 March 2017
28 January 2017
Technology and Trust
6 February 2016
Tomorrow, Today
17 October 2015
The Perils of the Internet
9 May 2015
How to Discover a Planet from your Sofa
16 August 2014
The Transport Systems Catapult
28 June 2014
5 October 2013
Simple Audio
23 February 2013
The Future of Technology Disruption in Business
19 January 2013
How ITS helped London deliver the 2012 Olympic Games
3 November 2012
Genetically Modified Foods
6 October 2012
Digital Archiving
30 June 2012
Technology in Sport
23 June 2012
Keep Taking the Tablets
31 March 2012
Computer Games
17 March 2012
The Threats and Opportunities of the Internet
2 March 2012
Cyber Security
18 February 2012
21 January 2012
The Space Race
16 April 2011
The Age of the Electric Car
12 September 2009

© David C Pearson 2024 (All rights reserved)