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David's blogs on Worshipful Company of Marketors

Optimism Offers Opportunities
25 May 2019
The College of Arms
18 May 2019
In Memoriam Peter Short
20 April 2019
2 February 2019
This Year’s Reading List (2)
5 January 2019
In Memoriam Sir Paul Judge
29 July 2017
The Year in Perspective
22 January 2017
Rounding off the year
17 December 2016
Master’s Trip to Chile, Part Two
10 December 2016
Master’s Trip to Chile, Part One
3 December 2016
The Silent Ceremony
11 November 2016
What Good is Marketing?
5 November 2016
151 Regiment Royal Logistics Corps
29 October 2016
The Museum of Brands, Packaging & Advertising (2)
20 October 2016
Wizardry in Wood
15 October 2016
Election of the Lord Mayor
1 October 2016
From Pudding to Pye: the Great Fire of London
24 September 2016
The Guildable Manor of Southwark.
17 September 2016
A Weekend in Oxford
10 September 2016
Conference at New College, Oxford
5 September 2016
Lady Daphne
27 August 2016
Green Spaces
12 August 2016
Mid-Year Reflections
6 August 2016
Mansion House
30 July 2016
Sailors, Soldiers and Engineers
23 July 2016
Customer-oriented culture vs. the right marketing strategy?
16 July 2016
Jailed and Bailed
9 July 2016
Is Marketing for Good the Future of Marketing?
2 July 2016
Election of the Sheriffs
25 June 2016
18 June 2016
Win! How to succeed in the new game of business
10 June 2016
Mansion House Scholarship Scheme
4 June 2016
That was a week that was
28 May 2016
Annual City Lecture - Agents of Change
21 May 2016
In Memoriam David Collischon
14 May 2016
The Trial of the Pyx
7 May 2016
The Woolmen
30 April 2016
Reflections on the role of Marketing in an uncertain world
23 April 2016
In Memoriam John Petersen
15 April 2016
The Big Curry Lunch
9 April 2016
City of London Ward Clubs
2 April 2016
The Old Bailey
26 March 2016
Modern Livery Companies
19 March 2016
A Week in the Life of a Master
12 March 2016
One Extra Day
5 March 2016
Are Social Media a passing phase?
27 February 2016
In Memoriam John Flynn
20 February 2016
A Day in the Life of a Master
13 February 2016
Technology and Trust
6 February 2016
First Week as Master
30 January 2016
Marketing for Good is Good Marketing
23 January 2016

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