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David's blogs on Philanthropy

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards
30 September 2023
Shared Philanthropic Endeavour
22 October 2022
An Update on the Samaritans
14 November 2020
The Samaritans
2 May 2020
The Livery Companies
28 April 2018
Wellbeing in the City
3 March 2018
Building A Better City for All
10 December 2017
The Postal Museum
8 July 2017
Remembering Srebrenica
6 May 2017
15 April 2017
Jailed and Bailed
9 July 2016
The Silver Line
10 July 2015
Effective Altruism
27 June 2015
City Philanthropy
20 December 2014
Richard Curtis
29 March 2014
Desmond Tutu
14 December 2013
Duchy Originals
14 September 2013
Why give?
3 August 2013
Charities- the New Normal
20 July 2013
The Queen Elizabeth II September 11th Garden, New York
8 June 2013
Third Man in Havana
11 August 2012
Doing Well by Doing Good
10 December 2011
Charity Begins at Home
28 August 2010

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